Insurance Cerificate 2025
Insurance MEMO regarding LOMA #1
A&R CC&R's (revised 2023)

-Revised 2023 Rules and Regulations click here
Emergencey preparedness notice. Click Here.
Chateau Foret Reserve Analysis (Click Here)
Chateau Foret monthly Board Meetings
Monthly board meetings are typically held the 3rd Monday of each month at 5:30 P.M. at 4834 S. Highland Circle #411 SLC, Utah 84117. If you'd like to attend please e-mail in advance of the meeting (mmdmatheson@gmail.com) (drewasharp@gmail.com) to be added to the agenda at the top of the meeting for member comments.
ATTENTION! Click here for payment method instructions.Chateau Foret H.O.A. is changing the invoicing process. We will no longer be sending invoices by mail. An invoice will be E-Mailed to each homeowner monthly instead. This process will help save the Homeowner's Association time and money. If you have not or are not receiving the e-mailed invoice (starting January 1, 2018) please contact M&M Management @ (801)566-1411 or by e-mail @ managementbymm@gmail.com.
-Pool Rules click here.
-Chateau Foret is FHA approved!
Important information regarding violation/incident and resolution procedures. Any violation or incident will require the filling out of a violation/incident form beginning February 20th 2015.
please click here to view and/or print
Attention Chateau Foret Homeowners. Any issues regarding mailbox keys and/or locks are the responsibility of the homeowner. If you are in need of changing a lock or obtaining duplicate keys contact a locksmith. New locks may be purchased at Home Depot and installed by the owner. In the meantime if you need to have your mail held contact the Holladay post office. (801)278-9942.